Saturday, June 25, 2011

my new life..

its been a week aku tak online...hahaha one busy week...oreantation la..kelas la...errrggghhhhh macam macam tapi seronok....
this 27june im going to start my class..hehe my ID card pon da dapat so nak masuk mane2 pon boleh..
best gle kat MSU...ade swimming pool,spa,gym..library pon 3 tingkat..ade karaoke room,PS3 room,leasure room...hmmmm macam macam la..dah macam bukan U pon ade.....bayar mahal pon berbaloi..hehehe
tapi kat sane kne stay kat appartment..tak ingat la ape nama appartment tu...tapi dapat roommete yang 1kepala...haha best gileee
meriaah gile rumahh...
ok laaaa malas nak cakap banyak..hehe
to my apple...bile nak datang shah alam jmpe i kat sane....hehe
mama cakaap setakat tol 2,3 ringgit jangan laaa kedekut...hehehehe(gurau jeee)
loveeee youuu....:p

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