Saturday, June 25, 2011

my new life..

its been a week aku tak online...hahaha one busy week...oreantation la..kelas la...errrggghhhhh macam macam tapi seronok....
this 27june im going to start my class..hehe my ID card pon da dapat so nak masuk mane2 pon boleh..
best gle kat MSU...ade swimming pool,spa,gym..library pon 3 tingkat..ade karaoke room,PS3 room,leasure room...hmmmm macam macam la..dah macam bukan U pon ade.....bayar mahal pon berbaloi..hehehe
tapi kat sane kne stay kat appartment..tak ingat la ape nama appartment tu...tapi dapat roommete yang 1kepala...haha best gileee
meriaah gile rumahh...
ok laaaa malas nak cakap banyak..hehe
to my apple...bile nak datang shah alam jmpe i kat sane....hehe
mama cakaap setakat tol 2,3 ringgit jangan laaa kedekut...hehehehe(gurau jeee)
loveeee youuu....:p

Saturday, June 18, 2011


im going too MSU tmrrw....hehehe
ya allah...for the first time in my life, im going to left my house for 2and half year....
i love u so much....lepasni abah da tak boleh cubit pipi anis sebelum tido lagiiii...hehehe
im going too miss you sooooo much abah...
today im going to bake a BIG CAKE for you...hehe
and the one that im going to miss soo much 1st my family..and him(Muhammad Hamizan)hehe
thanks for every thing sayang...i love you soooo muchhhh....
ok laaa gtg nak buat kek...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

forever Love

I never asked
For a blessing like you.
Like I've spoken to God
And my wishes came true.

I asked for a person
To love and to hold.
To be loyal and faithful
Not angry and cold.

God placed you on Earth
As I quested to find,
The one who would be there 
So sweet and so kind.

In my wildest dreams
I would have denied.
That something so perfect
Could at all be supplied.

You have such a sweet face
But you are so much more.
You're my friend and I love you.
Your flaws I ignore.

With this small, simple statement
I give you and pray,
That you'll love me forever, 
And forever you'll stay...

missing you

i miss u every day
every minutes....
 but sometimes i fell like just want to kick u...
and i dont knw why..hahaha

Friday, June 10, 2011

sunway lagoon with family..

ok hari ni we have so much like gileeeee....haha
aku naik semua permainan kat sunwy tu kecuali that stupid kapal...haha sebab mcm seram nak mampus...
penat sangat2 main tak ingat dunia..bayang kan la..masuk pukul 9.30 main sampai pukul 4.00 petang..
mane tak penat....kesian adik aku yang penakut sangat tu...aku paksa jugak naik benda yg pusing 360 tu..haha menjerit2 die..nasib baik tak menangis...hehe kalau tak mampus aku....
lepas dah penat2 main..kte org pon pergi la sunway piramid gi makan..sebab kebulur nak mampus...
cube teka makan kat mane???
hahaha...Tony Roma's..wahhh sedap gileeeee...
hmmmm hamik kau...semua sekali 500 rnggit...hahha TQ mama i love you so much...muuuaaaaahhh muaaaaahhhhhh...hehe..

ok la ni gambar2 masa kat tony roma's

with my sister...


me with my food..haha banyak gile kannn

ade lagi gmbar tapi malas la nak upload...nak tido laaa sebab kepenatan..hehe ok bye2  ...;p

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


                   I MISS YOU ALREADY...:'(


ermmmm holiday..??
tak pegi mana2 pon coz mama sibuk...banyak kerja..
tapi esok mama nak bawak pergi sunway lagoon..hehe..seronoknyeeee
still remember pergi sunway lagoon dengan kawan kawan...myn,hajar,najwa,zahid,aok,fish,lokman,bob,mukhlis,faid,acap,elfie......
best gileeee...kalau boleh nak pergi lagi ngn die org...tapi semua dah pergi sambung belajarkan...maybe masa akan datang dapat la lagi...hehe
ok la time to go shopping with my mama...:p

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

me and you..:p

actualy im new, dari sekolah dula nak buat blog tapi x ade masa bosan bosan ni la aku buat..
ok..nak cerita ape eh?hehe
pasal mizan la hehehe..he is the only guy that i love..walau pon kadang kadang menyakitkan hati...hehe
he is so baik...remember the 1st time we meet..die pandang2 je aku..haha but aku bengang coz die asyik pandang je la..
and now..he is my only one...
patut nye harini kteorg gi date but die last minute kne gi thailand pulak....tapi xpe laa
nanti die belikan hadiah..hehehe...
ok gtg..jasmin my sister tiri da sampai rumah..hehe